Join Our Team

Cambridge Steiner School is an Equal Opportunities and Safe Recruitment employer. We do not discriminate on the grounds of race, age, disability, sex, marital status, sexuality, ethnicity, religion or any other grounds upon which discrimination can occur as defined in law.

All employees will be vetted for suitability to work with children and young people, and all appointments will be subject to the following:

  • Satisfactory DBS check and other statutory checks as required;
  • Satisfactory references;
  • Proof of eligibility to work in the UK.

Please see below for more information about our vacancies

An Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form should accompany your application.


You can see our current vacancies and apply online at



We are looking for volunteers to assist in our Handwork lessons, Creative Skills Blocks, Outdoor lessons and Games lessons. These opportunities include work outside of class time such as watering plants over the holidays and helping out at school events. We would also welcome volunteers to help read with pupils during the school day.
If you are interested in volunteering at the school please complete the following form and return to

Volunteering at CSS Form 

Applications for volunteer positions will be considered as they are received, with a view to immediate appointment of suitable candidates.


Trustee Vacancies

We are always looking to recruit new trustees. In addition to ideally having experience in Education, we are also interested in broadening and deepening the skills of our existing trustee body in other ways. Therefore, we welcome applications from candidates with skills and experience in areas such as Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs, Health and Safety, Finance and Personnel. This is not an exclusive list of skills, but outlines some of the core ones required in a school governance team.
Trustees currently meet as sub-committees around once per half term (Education, Resources and Finance). Meetings are generally during the evenings, currently taking place remotely via Zoom. Full board meetings take place at least once a term.
Cambridge Steiner School does not generally appoint parents or close relatives onto its trustee body, to avoid potential conflicts of interest which may otherwise arise; however, we may exceptionally consider doing so for candidates who demonstrate proven ability in the skills identified above.
If you are interested in becoming a trustee of Cambridge Steiner School, please contact the school for an application form or to talk more about what may be involved in becoming a School Trustee.

Please visit our Governance page for further information: