Early Years Funding (EYF)
Cambridge Steiner School Early Years is registered with the Local Authority’s Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE) through both Cambridge County Council for 3 and 4 year olds, which is applied from the beginning of the term after a child’s 3rd birthday until the end of term in which the child turns 5.
The Early Years Free Entitlement of 15 hours per week can only be taken within specific ‘stand-alone*’ hours and are subject to availability. The Free Entitlement 15 Hours are Monday to Friday 09:00hrs to 12:00hrs. Therefore a child attending 4 days a week will be eligible for 12 hours free entitlement. To be eligible for the full 15 hours funding, a child must be attending 5 days a week.
*Please note that Steiner Waldorf Early Years Education is delivered as a whole curriculum to the child which recommends that all children participate in the full Early Years Session from 08:30hrs to 15:00hrs. The Early Years Free Entitlement is calculated termly and is based on actual weeks/ sessions, therefore the free entitlement hours vary from term to term.
Please note that any untaken EYFE may be transferable to another setting.